
Unlock the door to enter into an unknown and magical world!
Here it will be that you find what it is you've been searching for... Peace, calm, relaxation, reflection...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Can't wait, can't wait... For a very important date!

I haven't decided what day... yet. But the Grand Opening of "The Secret Gardens" is right around the corner!

I've ordered my supplies... And have a few more little things to pick up. And then??
Lights, camera, action!

I've been dreaming up various options as to exactly what kind of mini-gardens to offer everyone. I think the best is sweet and simple- minimal design, maximum impact. I think letting the little gardens speak for themselves in a very simplistic manner will be in order.

I can't wait for my items to arrive!
The way I figure it, I'll have them by next weekend... And then... Crafting time! More exciting will be picture time- because there will be so many variations of these little wonders that will delight and entertain!

Undecided as of yet as to use sand, small stones, or perhaps a combination of both. I think I may try all three- and depending on the style that's ordered the most, will base further designs off those. I've also managed to find some miniature figurines too- and most likely will be hunting around Etsy for some really cute handmade ones. There are some fantastic sellers I've already found- and can't wait to place an order with! Patience, I keep telling myself... Patience!

This is all so very exciting- I can't wait!

Saturday, March 20, 2010


It's been a while since I've been especially interested in... Well... Anything.

Winter this year came in with such a fierceness, it caught most people unexpectedly. It's not often that I sit and daydream about spring flowers, warmer weather, sundresses and getting outside barefoot. Typically... I'm all about the winter sports- skiing, snowmobiling, ice skating, etc.

This year though... Well, I'm all about the warmer spring weather which has so suddenly come on back! However, I know better than to expect it to say this temperate for long... Virginia gets awful humid, awful fast! I'll just enjoy it while it lasts!!

For me... Spring means cleaning out the garden of all the dead plant matter. Turning the beds, and planning a new garden for this year. However, since I'm in an apartment now, I don't have the luxury of having a yard- never mind a little area to grow a garden. People would either steal the flowers I'd plant, or destroy it.

My newest inspiration comes from miniature terrariums. Small plants inside vessels that are simple to maintain, and brings a little bit of the outside.... Well, inside! My plan will unfold through the next few weeks- and hopefully I'll be opening shop soon! I've found a great supplier of glass vessels I plan to use, and now checking out some great shops for supplies and plants. I love purchasing from other handmade artists... It means I support the handmade community!

Plans include miniature terrariums, as in small containers like candleholders or bulbs, to larger glass vessels that look like bubbles. The key point in all this... Is that the little ecosystems can mostly take care of themselves! The point is just a little maintenance, right?!

It's on its way! And I can't wait!

I've only created my shop at this time... I don't have any of the mini-gardens created yet. Careful culling of other sites and shops for interesting and eye-drawing containers and plants will be acquired in the next few weeks. Once the basic supplies are received... I'll be crafting away, and providing everyone with pictures and listings!

Are you excited?!
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